This video made my day! LOL | Killjols This video made my day! LOL | Killjols
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This video made my day! LOL

petikan interview local hero yg selamat kan amanda berry n dua orang lagi perempuan yg telah hilang 10 tahun dulu....another happy ending....tapiii...ade org edit interview ni jadi lagu....hahaha really genius...
aku dah hafal dah lagu ni...! good work

Dead Giveaway LYRICS:
I knew somethin was wrong when a
little pretty white girl
ran into a black man's arms

dead giveaway, dead giveaway
my neighbor got big testicles
cause we see this dude everyday
we eat ribs with this dude,
but we didn't have a clue
that that girl was in that house,
she said please help me get out

so I opened the door, we can't get in that way
a body can't fit through the door, only your hand
so we kick-kicked the bottom,
and she comes out, and she says
it's some more girls up in that house
call 911 and they caught him
at mcdonald's

I knew somethin was wrong when a
little pretty white girl
ran into a black man's arms
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