The Meaning of Iman and its six fundamental articles | Killjols The Meaning of Iman and its six fundamental articles | Killjols
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The Meaning of Iman and its six fundamental articles

The Meaning of Iman and its six fundamental articles

The Meaning of Iman
The word Iman is derived form Arabic word which means faith.

Literal meaning: to know, to believe, and to be convinced beyond the shadow of doubt (firm belief)(Al-Maududi, 1981)

Terminological meaning: to know and repose unshakable belief in the Unity of Allah, the Messengers, the Angels, the Books, the Last Day and the Timeless Knowledge of Allah to Plan & to execute the Plan.

 The six Articles of Faith In Islam
1. Faith in Allah
2. Faith in His Messengers
3. Faith in His Angels
4. Faith in His Books
5. Faith in the Last Day
6. Faith in theTimeless Knowledge of Allah to Plan &
      to execute the Plan.

The significance of Iman in our life
Faith in Islam is a state of happiness acquired by virtue of positive action and constructive conceptions as well as dynamic and effectives measures. (Hammudah Abdalati, 1980)

1. save men’s dignity and honor
2. save men form the fear and despair
3. save men form guilt and confusion

In order to explain this, we should refer to the meaning of Islam.

The Meaning of Islam and its five pillars

The Meaning of Islam
The word Islam is derived form Arabic word which is SLM

Literal meaning: peace, safe, clean, purity, submission and obedience.(Hammudah Abdalati, 1980).

Terminological meaning: submission to the Will of Allah and obedience to His Law or Shariah. (Hammudah Abdalati, 1980)

The five Islamic Pillars.
1. Expression of the Kalimah Syahadah
2. Performing Prayer(Solat)
3. Fasting(Sawm) in the Month of Ramadhan
4. Paying alms(Zakah)
5. Performing Pilgrimage (Hajj) in Mecca.

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